The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Independent Economic Commission (CPIEC) is a body that has been established with two main purposes.
Firstly, the Commission has been established to deliver the CPIER, bringing the highest level of strategic economic advice in assessing the evidence and views of local partners in order to produce a review that meets the objectives of the key stakeholders.
Dame Kate Barker is Chair and her details along with the other Commissioners can be found here.
The CPIEC will continue to provide strategic economic advice and guidance to inform decision making, policy development and investment locally.
Secondly, the Commission will remain an authoritative voice for the needs of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s economy.
The CPIEC will continue to provide strategic economic advice and guidance to inform decision making, policy development and investment locally. It will continue to make the case to Government for devolution and investment that is required to grow the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough economy for the overall benefit of the country.
The Membership of the Commission for this ongoing purpose will be reviewed in fall 2018 following the production of the CPIER.